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Support a Survivor

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Beagle Freedom Project is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization, and your donation is tax deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. Please keep your receipt as your official record. We'll email it to you upon successful completion of your donation.

Sponsor A Survivor

Your sponsorship will cover the cost of care for one of the residents at Freedom Fields, including veterinary attention, food, enrichment, and more!

Monthly donation


I'm Alfie! Did you know that alpacas like me are also used as test subjects in research? I spent over 10 years in an animal testing laboratory being poked, prodded, and abused. Now that I'm safe, I'm such a happy boy! I love eating hay and treats, getting pets, and seeing my friends! I finally feel like I have a place in this world, and with the help of your sponsorship, the BFP team can keep me cozy and happy as I live out my golden years at Freedom Fields!
Monthly donation


I'm Cookie. I’m learning what it means to be a dog—playing, snuggling, and trusting humans again. At first, I can be a little nervous, but once I feel safe, I’ll shower you with affection and enjoy playtime by your side. Sometimes I still have bad dreams about my past and wake up crying in the night. Sponsors make a world of difference for dogs like me, helping to cover the costs of my healing journey which includes the enrichment I need, healthy food, and all of my medical care.
Monthly donation


I’m Billie! I spent years being experimented on in a laboratory, but now I’m a permanent resident at Freedom Fields and I'm loving life! I can be skittish and shy at first because I'm not used to human kindness, but I'm warming up to people every day. By sponsoring me, you can help BFP build a playground that I can climb on! You'll also help BFP provide me with food, toys, and other enrichment items. I would be so grateful for your generous sponsorship!
Monthly donation


The name's Chino, and everyone calls me a gentleman! I'm a cuddler, and all I want is your affection and love. I'm a pretty chill guy who gets along well with everyone. My favorite hobbies are getting snuggles, playing, and chillaxin' in the sun. Things are pretty great here since I was freed from animal testing-- but I need your help. Will you sponsor me so the staff at Freedom Fields can give me delicious food, fun toys, and lots of cat trees to climb?
Monthly donation

The Bunnies

Hi, we are Cinnabunbun, Daisy, Tulip, Bluebell, Daffodil, Snuggles, and Paisley! We were used in experiments until BFP saved us in 2024. Despite everything we have endured, we are all still friendly, loving, and trusting. We spend our days romping, playing, and eating lots of tasty treats at Freedom Fields, just waiting to be adopted. By sponsoring us, you'll be providing us with their veggies, fruits, pellets, hay, and toys while they wait for their forever homes!
Monthly donation


Hi, I’m Duckie. I spent most of my life in an animal testing lab, forced to endure painful experiments and confinement. Every day is a struggle—my body and spirit are broken, and the journey to recovery is long. I need a lot of help—veterinary care, proper food, and a peaceful place where I can heal. I’m hoping someone will see me, really see me, and offer to sponsor my care. Please help me find hope, and give me the love I so desperately need. Thank you so much for considering me!


Hiya, I am Grace! I love to have fun and am always seeking a new adventure! I was recently rescued from a research facility where I was used for some terrible experiments. Luckily, BFP sprang into action and freed me from that awful place! I'm now living at Freedom Fields, where I get lots of love, pets, and attention. Please consider being my sponsor and help me live a life of fun and freedom while I wait to find a forever family of my own.
Monthly donation


Hi, I'm Habanero, and I’m full of purrsonality! I am fun and outgoing, and now I am living life to the fullest since I'm out of the lab! I love spending time on the catio that the BFP staff built for me! I had never even seen the outdoors before! Now that I'm free and have gained confidence, I always say "hi" when people walk in the room so they'll come over and play with me! It would mean a lot if you would sponsor me while I wait for my very own family.
Monthly donation

Hansel & Gretel

Hi! We're Hansel and Gretel. BFP rescued us from an animal testing laboratory where staff had labeled us as "spent" even though we were only a year old! Can you believe that we had been subjected to so many cruel tests in just 12 months that they were going to kill us? Now we all live as permanent Freedom Fields residents and gets tons of love, affection, and care from our BFP family every day. By sponsoring us, you can help BFP provide us with toys, fresh fruits and veggies, and medical care!
Monthly donation


My name's O'Malley! Despite what I've had to overcome as a survivor of animal testing, I am still one of the most loving and affectionate kitties you could ever meet! I love playing with my toys, being pet, and snuggling! I struggle with scary recurring upper respiratory infections that can make it hard for me to breathe. I would love your help covering my vet care until I find an adopter. Will you make my day and be my sponsor?
Monthly donation

The Piglets

We are Horace, Sir Wigglebutt, Petunia, and Wilbur! We're the babies of Hansel & Gretel, two laboratory survivors. BFP didn't even know our mama was already expecting us when she was rescued, so we were quite a surprise! Luckily, because we were born in BFP's care, all we've ever known is love and affection. We are permanent residents at Freedom Fields and get spoiled by BFP staff every day. By sponsoring us, you can help BFP provide us with toys, fresh food, and medical care to stay healthy!
Monthly donation


Hi, I’m Queenie. I was used in an animal testing lab for years, where I never had the chance to experience the world beyond the cold walls of my stall. Now I’m safe at Freedom Fields where I’m learning to trust and enjoy life for the first time. But the journey ahead is a tough one. I need ongoing care—veterinary attention, proper food, and a supportive environment to help me heal. As my Sponsor, you’ll be directly supporting my recovery and giving me the opportunity to live a happy life!
Monthly donation


Hi I’m Rita. I've been through a lot, and I still feel a little unsure about the world. But now I'm finally free thanks to BFP and I'm slowly learning to trust again. Due to neglect in a testing laboratory, I have cloudy eyes and chronic back pain. Since I don’t see well, I can be nervous and sudden movements make me jump. Despite my past I crave affection and jump in the air when I want attention. Your support means everything to me as I learn to be the happy girl I was always meant to be.
Monthly donation


Hi, I'm Sevan. I was rescued from an animal testing laboratory where I spent years in confinement and endured painful experiments. Now I'm safe at Freedom Fields and starting to heal and learn to trust again! The road to recovery isn’t easy, and I still need a lot of help—veterinary care, special nutrition, and a peaceful place to rest and regain my strength. By becoming my sponsor, you'll help cover the cost of my care and ensure I get the attention I need to live the life I deserve.
Monthly donation


Hi there! I'm Wallace. I'm one of BFP's longest residents and I am a survivor of animal testing. I was poked, prodded, and hurt for years. Now that I'm free and safe with BFP, I'm working on overcoming my past and blossoming into the easy-going boy that I'm meant to be. I can be scared of other animals and new environments, but with your help I know I'll be able to thrive. Would you like to sponsor me in an effort to help the BFP team care for me as I wait to find an adopter?