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Save Our Seniors

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Beagle Freedom Project is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization, and your donation is tax deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. Please keep your receipt as your official record. We'll email it to you upon successful completion of your donation.

Give their story a happy ending by becoming a sponsor!

Monthly donation

*General Fund*

At BFP, we love our seniors, and we want to be able to help as soon as we get the call that we're needed. Often, this means rushing to the aid of a senior who has been abandoned and is in urgent need of medical attention. By choosing to give a monthly gift to the general fund, you can have a hand in helping us get a senior out of a cage and into a loving and safe environment. Click the donate button below and help us prepare for seniors in need of immediate rescue!
Monthly donation


I’m Cash, a forever resident at Freedom Fields! I spent several years being tested on. BFP saved me from that life of pain and now I spend my days lounging around the office, overseeing the staff here at Freedom Fields. I have chronic upper respiratory infections as a result of my years as a testing subject, and often need antibiotics in order to stay healthy. Will you sponsor me so that I can continue being the healthy happy boy I’ve become?
Monthly donation


My name is Alice, a survivor of animal testing. I spent 9 painful years being used in research, but now I am an individual with my own name and a cat tree of my own at Freedom Fields. I can be shy sometimes but I love playing with toys and finding a warm, cozy spot to nap while I wait for my fur-ever family to take me home. Sponsoring me will help me get the medical care I need to stay healthy as I get older until I finally get adopted.
Monthly donation


I’m Ceasar! I spent the first several years of my life as a laboratory testing subject until BFP rescued me. Now I make the best cuddle buddy, and if you bring out a ball with a jingle bell, I turn into the playful kitten I never got the chance to be in the lab. I'm very laid back and love to relax, eat my wet food, and hang with the other cats waiting to be adopted at BFP. Thank you for opening your heart to sponsor me so that I can continue to learn what it means to be loved.
Monthly donation


Hi I’m Bart! I was so ill when I arrived at BFP that I could not stand on my own and had to spend several days in the ICU. Once I was feeling better, BFP learned that I am blind from diabetes that went untreated for too long, and have vestibular disease. I am a Forever Resident at BFP and my foster family takes me to the vet regularly to monitor my blood sugar and eyes, and am on several medications. Sponsoring me will cover those vet visits and medications to make sure I stay in tip-top shape!
Monthly donation


I’m Cleo! I was born and raised in a cold metal cage where I was tested on and neglected for many years until BFP shut down the lab and got me out of there! I had no idea life was this amazing! I learned what a “toy” is, and how to sleep in a soft bed instead of on metal bars. Now I’m in an amazing foster home where I am spoiled every day. I need lots of veterinary care and extra love after what I’ve been through. I am getting braver by the day and learning to trust. I hope you will sponsor me!
Monthly donation


Hi, I’m Elton! My former family discarded me when I needed them most... I am covered in masses, suffering from severe dental disease, and have a hard time breathing from an upper-respiratory condition that has gone untreated for months. At the shelter, I was so scared, confused, and in pain. Beagle Freedom Project heard my story and they knew they had to help me! Sponsoring me will help BFP remove my masses, fix my teeth, and treat my respiratory disease!
Monthly donation


My name is Gretchen. I was found abandoned on the streets at 15 years old, severely underweight, and my hair was matted so tightly around one of my legs that it tore my tendons and I lost function of my leg. Once I was rescued, I had to have that leg removed. Years of neglect have left me with bronchitis and seizures, and I will need medication for the rest of my life. If you choose to sponsor me, you will make sure I have all my meds and get to see the vet as often as I need to keep me healthy!
Monthly donation


My name is Kalie! I’m an 8-year-old calico kitty with a heart of gold! I am a survivor of animal testing, and I had to watch as other helpless cats were being tested on in the cage next to me. Now we are free and get to spend our days cuddling and grooming each other. Because of the neglect I went through, all my teeth had to be removed. Thank you for sponsoring me and showing me that people will never hurt me again. I'm available for adoption at Freedom Fields!
Monthly donation


I’m Lady and I am so excited to meet you! My whole life I was subjected to painful, inhumane testing and confinement. Now, thanks to BFP, I am FREE! I get to play with toys and take naps in a soft bed every day. Who knew life could be this good? Unfortunately, since I was neglected for many years, I need veterinary care and lots of TLC. Thank you SO much for helping me recover and feel my best. I am also up for adoption at Freedom Fields!
Monthly donation


I’m Lucy! I may be an old gal, but that doesn’t stop me from being my usual outgoing self! I was rescued by BFP from a shelter when when I was 16 years old! My heroes got me the veterinary care I needed (I had a double ear infection!) and then placed me in a safe foster home where I can thrive while I live out my golden years. My vet recommends keeping me on several medications to keep me comfortable, and sponsoring me will make sure I never miss a dose!
Monthly donation


Hi, I’m Ringo! My family took me to a shelter because they didn’t want an old dog. :( Heartbroken, scared, and sick, I wasn’t doing well in the shelter. BFP found me and put me in a foster home where I am being treated for dental disease, chronic bronchitis, Cushings disease, skin irritation, limited mobility, and more. Your sponsorship will go a long way in keeping me comfortable and healthy as possible – I am on a lot of meds and my vet is my bestie, after all!
Monthly donation


I’m Sampson! I was found stray, extremely underweight with a skin infection and a nasty wound on my leg. Being on my own was even scarier because I don’t see or hear very well. Thankfully, BFP treated my infection and healed my wounds – even removed all my painful decaying teeth! I am in foster care now as a Forever Resident of BFP and am on daily thyroid medication and need regular visits with my vet to stay healthy.
Monthly donation


Hi I’m Wilma! I was used as a test subject where I was frozen alive for cryogenics. Since coming to BFP, I have been treated for infected gums, a hernia, oral cancer, and had several masses and 15 teeth removed! I am still going through treatment for my cancer, but I am feeling so much better and have put on healthy wait. I am a frequent flier at my vet, and I am so grateful that you are thinking about sponsoring me to continue my journey to health!